2011年4月22日 星期五

Cultrex® Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth and Differentiation【太鼎生物科技有限公司02-86609496】Trevigen台灣總代理

Cultrex® Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth and Differentiation Products

大鼠間質幹細胞Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC), also known as marrow stromal cells, are a self-renewing population of multipotent cells present in bone marrow and many other adult tissues. MSC can be isolated from bone marrow by adherence to plastic, and can differentiate into multiple lineage-specific cells that form bone, fat, cartilage, muscle, and tendon. Due to their multilineage potential, they can be useful tools for a wide range of therapeutic and basic research, including transplantation studies and studies examining the repair of cardiac tissue, bone, cartilage, and tendons often using 3-D matrices.
Multilineage potential of Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells

To facilitate reproducible and consistent evaluation of mesenchymal cell potential and research, Trevigen® has a line of products focused on rat mesenchymal stem cells that includes cells, media, and serum and differentiation reagents.

  1. Phinney DG AND Prockop DJ 2007. Concise Review: Mesenchymal Stem/Multipotent Stromal Cells: The State of Transdifferentiation and Models of Tissue Repair-Current Views. Stem Cells 25: 2896-2902.
  2. Kolf CM, Cho E, Tuan RS. 2007. Biology of Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Regulation of Niche, Self-Renewal and Differentiation. Arthritis Research and Therapy 9(1):204.
  3. Javazon EH, Colter DC, Schwarz EJ, Prockop DJ. 2001. Rat Marrow Stromal Cells are More Sensitive to Plating Density and Expand More Rapidly from Single-Cell-Derived Colonies than Human Marrow Stromal Cells. Stem Cells 19:219-225.
  4. Li Yi, McIntosh K, Chen J, Zhang C, Gao, Q, Borneman J, Ragniski K, Mitchell J, Shen L, Zhang J, Lu D, Chopp M. Allogeneic bone marrow stromal cells promote glial-axonal remodeling without immunologic sensitization after stroke in rats. Experimental Neurology 198(2):313-25.

詳細產品資訊,請登錄http://www.trevigen.com/ 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 